The other unknown virus that requires closeness instead of social distancing

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While the rest of the world was dealing with the corona virus and everyone was trying to keep their distance of atleast 2 meters, my small village which was in the middle of no where, had a different type of virus and the only way to keep this other virus out was too keep as close to each other as possible. It was only our village and we were told not to spread knowledge of it and even our social media was hacked to prevent any of us to spread the message of this other virus, I do not know what they call it. Not even the newspapers or the local news could do a story on it.

Our village was told to keep close to each other as much as possible with lots of social contact and what came next was nothing but pure evil. All of the paedophiles, perverts and creepy people started touching who they liked on the advice that we were told to keep close to everyone. The closer the better our village was told. The things that went on was disgusting and females, males and children were all touched up and groped up inappropriately. It was all allowed as this was the only way to kill and slow down this other virus that only my village had unfortunately caught.

Like I said it wasn't so long when sick perverted individuals started taking advantage of this other virus. No police official could do anything and while the rest of the world was dealing with the Corona virus and keeping distances between themselves, we had to get physically closer to each other.

Sure there were some healthy close contact like small village festivals, small village parties and barbeques but it was the horrid individuals who used this to prey on their victims. It was dangerous times for us all. Those who tried to spread the news of this other virus which you needed to have close contact, to eradicate it, was always deleted by some other shadowy organization.

The world was dealing with 1 virus and that was enough. Everyone tried to stick with their loved ones and close friends. Hardly anyone was walking alone or going out late at night. There were stories of people going out late at night all on their own and a stranger starts hugging them on the reason that closeness was needed to combat this other virus.

Then one day my daughter came home and was frightened to the high heavens as multiple perverts touched her up and I was furious but it was allowed due to this other virus. The virus has still not gone and I would rather have this corona virus come to us instead of what we have got. Social distancing is much better than social closeness. What a horrid virus this is and we are given no explanation why this other virus requires closeness and no explanation onto how it destroys it.

I started hugging my daughter and she told me I could let go, but I didn't want to let go. She then started complaining that I was being too tight, but I kept on giving the reason that we all need to be close right now. My daughter is struggling to get out of my hug. It's just me and her.

Credit - Shortstory1